About the Gardner's!

My photo
This is us! Jared, Stefanie, Anna and Aiden! Anna is 4 and Aiden is 2, time flies so fast! We're doing our best to enjoy life and take every obstacle head on! :) I'm hoping to have this blog be about all the happy things in our life and keep it mostly positive! Obviously, we have things in our lives that aren't so great, but I'll do my best to keep this as uplifting as possible ;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


These are some of THE BEST muffins in the entire world and if you haven't tried them yet, DO IT NOW!! The name suits them well, meaning they are kind of flaky/light when you eat them.....the calories differ from the name ;) But really, they are so freaking delicious I can't even begin to tell you! I made some the other day and they were just as awesome as I remembered....and easy to make too! I don't make them very often because we don't usually eat them all and they pack a lot of calories, so it's a beautiful treat when I do make them :). Try them for yourself and let me know what you think!! :)