About the Gardner's!

My photo
This is us! Jared, Stefanie, Anna and Aiden! Anna is 4 and Aiden is 2, time flies so fast! We're doing our best to enjoy life and take every obstacle head on! :) I'm hoping to have this blog be about all the happy things in our life and keep it mostly positive! Obviously, we have things in our lives that aren't so great, but I'll do my best to keep this as uplifting as possible ;)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Spring has been a topic as of late that many people wonder if it even exists here in Utah. I wonder the same thing! Today is a day that proves it's trying its hardest to get here, I just wish it would get here NOW! To say we've had crazy weather the past few weeks is an understatement. I do understand, however, that this is Utah....the weather is crazy and unpredictable! Because of this weather, I took the kids on a spontaneous vacation to Vegas for a few days with a friend of mine and her daughter. The weather was GORGEOUS and I wanted to stay much, much longer...but lack of expenses made us leave. It was definitely nice to get away for a few days and soak up some lovely sun and good weather. But it is Vegas, so of course we had lots of fun too ;)
With today being the way it is, it REALLY makes me crave nice weather consistently!! We'll see if that actually happens....probably not....but one can hope! This past week I've been doing a little spring cleaning and it's been very nice. Granted, my house still isn't exactly where I want it to be, but it's getting there! I really want spring to get here and STAY! Being able to send the kids outdoors to play is really nice and I know they enjoy it too. We have a walking path behind our house and with the weather getting nicer, we've seen a lot more traffic on the path and it's actually quite fun sometimes just to sit and watch as people walk/run/bike on by :). I WELCOME SPRING WITH BIG OPEN ARMS, PLEASE COME AND STAY!!!! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Such imaginations!

You know what I LOVE? My kids' imaginations! Of course, Aiden loves to copy Anna in lots of ways and she is his #1 example, but they each have their own adorable personalities and I love it! Anna has, of course, a more developed imagination than Aiden, but he's learning and seeing the things he comes up with, gosh he's a hoot! He really cracks me up! Anna is such a sweetie, her imagination has really taken off! She came up to me this afternoon and said, "Do you want to play with me?" I said sure! I asked her what we should play and she said, "Let's play Anna says!" Oh gosh it was adorable! Obviously it's her version of Simon Says, so we played a round of that game and I just loved it, she knew just what she was doing! We didn't play it exactly like the original game, but I still loved it! I love watching their imaginations grow and they use them so often every day and it's such a joy to see! I also teach them things I used to play as a kid in hopes it will develop their playing skills and imagination even more and so far it really has! I love watching Anna talk to Aiden and tell him "how it is" and teach him so much, they are absolutely adorable together, she is the best big sister! Sure love my adorable, imaginative kids!! ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Funny moment

I think we all have something happen in our lives that is both sad and funny at the same time. Well, that happened a couple nights ago. Nothing huge, but still funny and sad at the same time. We had just gotten the kids out of their bath and they were walking around with their towels on. Lately, we've had to quickly put Aiden's diaper on right away, otherwise he'll pee on the floor. So we did that, thinking he hadn't peed anywhere. Then poor little Anna went running into the kitchen and totally slipped and fell on the floor! At first I thought it was because she was still wet, but nope! There was a big puddle of pee on the kitchen floor. It was seriously like one of those scenes from a movie where a kid falls in some other kid's vomit or something (like in Cheaper by the Dozen). So at first, I asked if she was ok, then started to clean it up. We had to give her another quick bath because, well, she had pee all over her! Then, as I got her dressed afterwards, I just started laughing! After all, she DID slip in a puddle of pee, I just thought it was funny! I made sure she wasn't really hurt, but was just laughing at the same time! See what I mean? It's a sad sort of funny ;).